Saturday, 31 March 2012

first attempt at male anatomy

We have all heard that no two snowflakes are alike.

Each snowflake takes the perfect form........

the form that has maximum efficiency and effectiveness for its journey......


while the universal force of gravity gives them a shared destination,.....

the expansive space in the air........

gives each snowflake the opportunity to take their own path.

They are on the same journey,

but each takes a different path........

Along this gravity-driven journey,

some snowflakes collide and damage each other,

some collide and join together,

some are influenced by wind.......

there are so many transitions and changes........

that take place along the journey of the snowflake.


no matter what the transition,

the snowflake always finds itself perfectly shaped for its journey..........

At every given moment we are absolutely perfect.....

for what is required for our journey.

I’m not perfect for your journey and..........

you’re not perfect for my journey,

we’re taking different routes,

but we’re both exactly perfect the way we are..........

this sketch may not be perfect,

but, it's a beginning.......

The Waiting

“There are two things we should always be.......

Raw and Ready.

When you are raw,

you are always ready.......


when you are ready.......

you usually realize that you are raw.

Waiting for perfection is not an answer,

one cannot say.......

"I will be ready when I am perfect"

because then you will never be ready,

rather one must say.........

"I am raw and I am ready........

just like this right now,

how and who I am.......".

A kiss with a Heart

Kissing is the simplest act of romance........

yet it can be the most......

"erotic", "sensual", and "loving" act of romance..........

Many times, we forget.........

just how wonderful kissing can truly be........

whether it's a good make out session...........


a tender kiss to say "I Love You"...........

A kiss can express and arouse so many different.............

emotions and feelings.........